Showing 25–36 of 94 results

  • A Sense of Destiny Perceptions Book 6

    A Sense of Destiny: Perceptions Book 6

    As Flora Latimer settles into life as an independent young woman, she’s dogged by unwanted attentions from Jacob Yardley, the bishop’s nephew, and additional pressure from her father to marry Yardley.

    Flora and Archie, the Marquess Felsham, return to Beranger Court, the home of Luke Beranger, the Earl of Swindon, to join his family for the annual autumn fair. Tension between Flora and Luke is tempered by the presence of Violet Baxter, a very pretty fellow guest whom Flora takes an immediate liking to. Violet is engaged to be married but distracted by fears that the death of her father may not have been an accident.

    Someone murdered him.

    Can Flora and Archie help Violet to find answers? Will the presence of Archie’s old mistress at the fair complicate matters? Why is Yardley in Ashton Keynes too and can anything come of Luke’s attraction towards Violet, a lady who is bound to another by a promise and strong family ties…

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  • A Sense of Turmoil Perceptions Book 5

    A Sense of Turmoil: Perceptions Book 5

    With the countess’s health failing, Flora knows that Luke Beranger, the Earl of Swindon, will want to be with her grandmother during her final days. Luke returns from a prolonged visit to his family’s estate in Boston, bringing with him Miss Ottilie Fleming and her brother George, who has been managing the Beranger’s interests in America for the past ten years.

    Flora senses at once that Luke plans to propose to Ottilie. Suppressing her jealousy, she can sense no harm in Ottilie. The same cannot be said for her brother, whom Flora had been advised by Remus, her quixotic spirit guide, has ulterior motives.

    Bereft by the death of the countess, Flora and Luke argue violently when she advises caution in respect of George Fleming. Luke makes accusations that he later regrets but cannot withdraw and which Flora cannot neither forgive nor ignore. Hounded by her family, only Archie Hardwick, now the Marquess Felsham, continues to offer her his support.

    Heartbroken, Flora makes good on her intention to leave Beranger Court and set up home alone. But will her ambitious father leaver her in peace, and are Luke and Archie willing to let her go…

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  • A Sense of Injustice Perceptions Book 4

    A Sense of Injustice: Perceptions Book 4

    This edition amended and updated September 2020

    Swindon, Wiltshire – Autumn 1880

    Flora Latimer has come of age and is finally free from the influence of her domineering father. Happy in her position as companion to the eccentric Dowager Countess of Swindon, Flora endeavours to ignore her growing awareness of the handsome earl, Luke Beranger. Her difficulties increase when Lord Archie Hardwick, the earl’s closest friend, shows more than a passing interest in her—an interest that threatens to set the friends at odds with one another.

    Flora is glad of a distraction when the countess asks her to befriend Louise Pearson, an heiress who has left London to pay a prolonged and unexpected visit to her grandmother and sister. Louise confides a dark secret to Flora, one so shocking that Flora is compelled to seek the earl’s help as well as that of Remus, her spirit guide, in an effort to prevent two ruthless and determined people from exploiting Louise in the worst possible manner.

    As Flora and Luke fight to protect Louise’s reputation, Flora finds herself embroiled in danger from an unexpected quarter. Will Luke be in time to save her? And will Louise recover from the mistakes of her past and allow her feelings for Luke’s brother, Henry, to overcome her reservations…

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  • A Sense of Misgiving Perceptions Book 3

    A Sense of Misgiving: Perceptions Book 3

    Swindon, Wiltshire – September 1880

    Flora Latimer has enjoyed a quiet summer attempting to keep the spritely and slightly eccentric Dowager Countess of Swindon healthy and entertained. But with the onset of autumn and the nearing of her twenty-first birthday, Flora’s prescience warns her that her father’s attempts to force her back to her childhood home will gather momentum. Her fears prove justified when Luke Beranger, the current earl, returns from a shooting party and receives a letter from Flora’s father, threatening to reveal a terrible scandal that will ruin his family’s standing if he doesn’t dispense with Flora’s services.

    Matters become more complicated when Lady Mary, Luke’s sister, is attracted to Captain Redfern, an injured war hero. Mary is unaware of Latimer’s threat and the fact that it is only Redfern’s family who could have started the rumours. Luke and Flora are unable to think why Redfern would spread unfounded gossip, especially since the captain seems determined to win Mary’s affections.

    Flora learns of a bequest left to her by her late grandmother and suspects that whatever it contains is at the heart of her father’s determination to keep her under his control. What she actually discovers shocks her rigid. Can she find the courage to confront her father once and for all? And will Lady Mary survive the attentions of a brutal, vengeful and unbalanced man…

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  • A Sense of Purpose Perceptions Book 2

    A Sense of Purpose: Perceptions Book 2

    Flora Latimer, companion to the increasingly eccentric Dowager Countess of Swindon, has swiftly made herself indispensable to the entire family. In so doing she must fight her highly inappropriate attraction towards Luke Beranger, the current earl. Flora revels in the freedom that separation from her puritanical and overbearing father affords her, allowing her natural spirituality to come to the fore.

    When Miranda Defoe, a recently orphaned neighbour, returns to the district, Flora’s sixth sense compels her to protect the young woman from the Coopers, a family which has latched onto Miranda for her inheritance. As the relationship between Miranda and Luke’s brother Charlie progresses beyond their platonic childhood friendship, Miranda’s independence and strength of character puts her innocence at risk.

    It seems that the Coopers will stop at nothing to gain control of Miranda’s fortune. Can Flora and the Berangers come to her aid before her honour is compromised and before the growing threat to her life becomes a reality…

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  • A Sense of Belonging Perceptions Book 1

    A Sense of Belonging: Perceptions Book 1

    Wiltshire, England – Spring 1880

    Second sight – a blessing or a curse? Flora Latimer has a gift. Precognition, second sight, telepathy, call it what you will. But her status as the eldest daughter of a strictly religious and overly ambitious cleric means that her gift must go unrecognised during her dour and bleak upbringing. Eventually she escapes her crushing restrictions and the prospect of an enforced marriage to work as companion to the elderly and eccentric Dowager Countess of Swindon, where she swiftly discovers a new sense of belonging in an opulent and aristocratic rural setting. But it’s not long before her gift gets her into trouble. She senses a conspiracy to trick Luke Beranger, the Earl of Swindon, into matrimony. Ghosts from the Earl’s past have returned to haunt him, and he will need all Flora’s help if he is to untangle himself from their clutches.

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  • Riley Rochester Investigates Volumes 4 - 6

    Riley Rochester Investigates Volumes 4 – 6

    Follow Lord Riley Rochester – Chief Inspector Rochester of Scotland Yard’s newly formed Detective Department – as he delves into Victorian London’s criminal fraternity. Will he uncover the identities of vicious killers inspired by greed, a sense of injustice and the pressing need for revenge…

    Death of a Scoundrel

    Roderick Woodrow is a ladies’ man. While the female half of society weeps at his violet demise, it seems that almost every man in London had a reason to want Rod dead. Jealousy, reputation, money, blackmail, double standards, hypocrisy and ruthless ambition are involved in a case that forces Riley to make a stark choice between duty and family loyalties.

    Death of an Artist

    Melanie Mottram, a governess and aspiring artist, is far from being an innocent victim. Calculating and manipulative, a growing list of suspects seem desperate to cast the blame on one another…

    Death of a Recluse

    When fabulously wealthy young recluse Sir Theodore Allen is found dead from cyanide poisoning, Riley discovers that his circumstances are far from straightforward. With Scotland Yard’s cells overflowing with suspects, Riley must pit his wits against a wily and desperate individual who will stop at nothing to avoid an appointment with the hangman.

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  • Riley Rochester Investigates Volumes 1 - 3

    Riley Rochester Investigates Volumes 1 – 3

    Death of a Debutante

    In 1870s London, Scotland Yard’s famous Detective Department is still in its infancy. Lord Riley Rochester, younger son of a marquess, is one of its first detective inspectors.
    When a debutante is murdered in the home of Lord Ashton, Riley’s vengeful superior hands him the investigation, hoping to see him fail. As Riley and his sergeant, Jack Salter, delve into the circumstances surrounding Emily Ferguson’s death, it quickly becomes apparent that his own class expect him to exonerate its members from all blame. But the murder was committed at a society event, and Riley’s conscience won’t allow him to ignore the

    evidence that points to one of the guests—or hosts—being the killer.

    Everyone has something to hide and tempers fray as a heatwave holds London in its sweltering grasp. When a second death occurs, Riley fears he may be incapable of preventing a terrible miscarriage of justice. Will he and Jack manage to uncover the true identity of the killer without endangering those whom Riley holds most dear…

    Death of a Courtesan

    Detective Inspector Rochester and his sergeant, Jack Salter, are called to a high-end brothel to investigate the murder of one of its inhabitants. Her throat has been cut from after the customers had left for the night and the doors had been locked, and no one admits to hearing a thing.

    As Riley and Jack delve into the beautiful young victim’s background and the reasons for her fall into prostitution, an increasing number of suspects with compelling reasons for wanting her dead emerge. Riley is astounded to discover that his nemesis, Chief Inspector Danforth, is one of the brothel’s regular visitors. He was there on the night of the murder, spent an hour alone with the victim and must be viewed as a suspect. Riley could be forgiven for revelling in Danforth’s downfall after all the insults he has suffered at the chief inspector’s hands, but his concern is for the reputation of the Detective Department and he does all he can to shield Danforth from public derision.

    Unsurprised by the depths of depravity some men willingly sink to in order to find gratification, Riley is unprepared for the damage that could be done to the reputation of his own family if he doesn’t get to the truth. But at what cost to his personal ambitions…

    Death of a Prosecutor

    Inspector Riley Rochester’s latest case strikes close to home. When his friend, notable barrister Sir Robert Glover, is stabbed to death outside his chambers, there are far too many suspects. Sir Robert’s family, those he worked with, shadowy figures from his past and every resentful criminal he ever prosecuted. What’s worse, the case is inextricably linked with a Scotland Yard colleague’s rather slipshod investigation, and Riley must be diplomatic in his dealings with his superiors and fellow officers if he’s to get to the truth.
    Riley and his sergeant, Jack Salter, take to the task with their customary professionalism – although Riley’s judgement is clouded by nervous anticipation of Amelia Cosgrove’s response to his proposal of marriage and by the sudden decline in his nephew’s health. Knowing that if his nephew dies Riley will become his brother’s heir, he must come to terms with the fact that he will one day be the Marquess of Chichester whilst simultaneously trying to solve the hardest case of his career to date…

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  • Death of a Scribe Riley Rochester Investigates Book 10

    Death of a Scribe: Riley Rochester Investigates Book 10

    London 1872. All of society is on tenterhooks. One of its members has the audacity to sell tattle to a gossip magazine. Reputations and worse are being ruined and those with something to hide fear they will be the gossip’s next target.

    When Lord Riley Rochester, Chief Inspector in Scotland Yard’s Detective Department, is called to the murder of James Nesbitt, a solicitor’s clerk, it becomes apparent that it is he who wrote the offending column. Since he is not a member of the aristocracy, it follows that someone within its ranks must be feeding him the necessary information.

    Any one of Nesbitt’s victims could have sought the ultimate form of revenge, but how did they discover his identity when he had been so careful to keep it secret?

    Riley and his trusty sergeant, Jack Salter, dig deeper into the victim’s life and discover a plethora of reasons for the murder that have nothing to do with gossip. Fighting against the bitter weather and his worries about Amelia, who is close to giving birth to his second child, Riley has more suspects than he can cope with, each with a compelling reason to kill Nesbitt. But Riley has no firm evidence against any of them.

    Will Riley solve his most complex case yet…

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  • Death of a Milliner Riley Rochester Investigates Book 9

    Death of a Milliner : Riley Rochester Investigates Book 9

    Murder becomes personal for Lord Riley Rochester when his sergeant’s daughter is caught standing over the corpse of her former employer. She’s covered in blood and has the murder weapon clutched in her hands.

    Riley knows that Maureen Salter is incapable of committing murder but is also aware that if he shows her any favouritism then his detractors will seize the opportunity to undermine his position as one of Scotland Yard’s leading detectives.

    As Riley and Salter delve deep into the world of Victorian London’s millinery trade, they discover professional jealousies and personal resentments that cast suspicion upon a widening circle of rivals and family members, none of whom mourn the loss of the victim.

    Lied to and misled at every turn, can Riley get to the truth and discover who had the most compelling reason to commit this most vicious of murders, thereby saving his own reputation and that of his stalwart sergeant…

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  • Death of a Footman Riley Rochester Investigates Book 8

    Death of a Footman: Riley Rochester Investigates Book 8

    Summer 1882 – The murder of Ezra Dawson, a footman employed by Sir Philip Randall, at first appears to be the result of a drunken brawl that occurred late at night in an alleyway beside a Clapham tavern. Chief Inspector Riley Rochester and Sergeant Salter suspect darker motives when they discover that Ezra had been romantically involved with his employer’s wife, a situation that held the potential to embarrass Sir Philip and his grown children. He had also put himself at odds with local criminal kingpins by establishing an illegal sporting club in the Clapham district.

    With half the females south of the Thames mourning Ezra’s demise, all the males in Sir Philip’s employ pleased to see the back of him, and some of Ezra’s own family members harbouring grudges against the favoured son, the case proves to be anything other than straightforward. Riley and Salter are misled and misdirected at every turn, leaving them with a plethora of suspects and few answers.

    Which of those suspects had the most compelling reason to murder Ezra and can Riley and Salter find the evidence to bring those responsible to justice…

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  • Death of a Matriarch Riley Rochester Investigates Book 7

    Death of a Matriarch: Riley Rochester Investigates Book 7

    It’s Spring 1872, and Lord Riley Rochester has accepted promotion to detective chief inspector at Scotland Yard. His skills are tested when the fabulously wealthy Lady Violet Pemberton, a contemporary of his mother, is found dead under suspicious circumstances on the morning after her seventieth birthday celebrations. Her warring relatives all had reasons for wanting the old lady dead, but Riley is unable to prove which of them committed the crime.

    With the help of Sergeant Jack Salter, Riley delves into Lady Pemberton’s personal life, finding evidence of a scandalous past that only serves to muddy the waters. Was the crime motivated by greed, a family feud or a burning need for revenge? And who among them all would kill to prevent the details of a past indiscretion becoming public knowledge…

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