Showing 73–84 of 95 results

  • Emulating the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 6

    Emulating the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 6

    Within three years of returning to English soil after a decade in Boston, Jonathan Sheridan has established his business interests and seen all four of his siblings married. Anxious that the world should know his wealth is a consequence of his own efforts and that he has not depended upon the influence of his cousin Zach, the Duke of Winchester, to make his mark, Jon decides to exert his independence by purchasing an estate for his sole occupation.

    Lady Ayla Courtney reaches the heartbreaking decision to sell Felsham Court, the house left to her by her beloved grandmother, since she can’t afford to maintain it. She discovers that Hubert, her sister’s husband, has political ambitions that rest upon Ayla’s cooperation and he challenges her ownership of Felsham Court in order to procure her compliance.

    Caught up in the middle of the property dispute, Jon should walk away but feels compelled to offer Ayla his help to best Hubert. Taken by her beauty and spirit, he denies his growing attraction towards her and concentrates his efforts upon keeping her safe.

    For her part, thrown constantly into his company, Ayla’s passions are aroused by the handsome and elusive Jon Sheridan. But she has a guilty secret that’s haunted her since her youth and precludes her from ever forming a permanent attachment to any man.

    Will Hubert succeed in making Ayla dance to his tune? Can Jon purchase the house without letting his feelings for Ayla run out of control? And can Ayla escape the life-threatening situation that Hubert’s desperation embroils her in?

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  • Acting for the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 5

    Acting for the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 5

    Calpurnia Garrard is convinced that her husband’s death was no accident. In desperation she tries to persuade the Duke of Winchester to intercede. But Zach’s duchess almost lost her life giving birth to his second son and the duke is not receiving visitors.

    Driving away from Winchester Park, Callie’s horse bolts. Alfie Sheridan manages to rescue her, listens to Callie’s story and is moved by the lovely young widow’s plight. But her husband’s death was ruled to be an accident and Alfie doubts that it will be possible to uncover evidence to the contrary eighteen months after the event.

    Acting for the duke, Alfie delves deeper into Callie’s affairs, soon discovering all is not as it seems. Someone will go to any lengths to prevent him from getting to the truth, or from developing inappropriate ideas about Callie. As the danger increases, so too does Alfie’s attachment to Callie and his determination to keep her safe, which is all he can do to be of service to her. He is committed to helping his brother make a success of his business ventures and has no time for romance. Besides, Callie has made it clear that she her own reasons for not marrying for a second time.

    Will Alfie find a way to prove Callie’s suspicions about her husband’s death, save her from the rogue who will go to any lengths to secure her affections, fulfil his obligations to his brother and follow his heart…

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  • Safeguarding the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 4

    Safeguarding the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 4

    Someone has the audacity to issue threats against the duke’s baby son. Determined that Frankie will not be overset by the news, Zach turns to Lewis Nash, the younger brother of the Earl of Tyburn, for help. Lewis’s reputation as a rake discourages society’s interest in him and acts as cover for the clandestine investigations he frequently undertakes both privately and on behalf of the government.

    Cora Sheridan, the duke’s cousin, is intrigued by the presence of a rake in their midst. At a loss to understand why such a man would be considered suitable to catalogue the books in Zach’s library, she sets about trying to discover why he is really at the Park. Lewis curses Cora’s interfering ways when she succeeds in that endeavour and has no choice but to involve her in the investigation—her price for not telling the duchess the truth.

    In so doing, Lewis doesn’t realise that her life will be placed in danger. Nor does he realise quite how many people are out to revenge themselves upon the duke. Can he keep Cora safe and find out who is threatening the life of an innocent child? More to the point, can he suppress his growing admiration for Cora’s courage and determination…

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  • Representing the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 3

    Representing the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 3

    Zachary Sheridan, Duke of Winchester, invites his cousin Max to take responsibility for his personal legal affairs. He is thrown into the deep end when another lawyer contacts him, charged with locating a baby abandoned eighteen years previously at Barchester Hall, the foundling home started by Zach’s father.

    Sara Kenton, the adopted daughter of a clergyman, teaches at Barchester Hall but cannot approve of the harsh regime imposed there by her sister, Ruth. To escape a marriage to a man she neither likes nor trusts, Sara runs away, taking one of the most vulnerable children with her. She makes her way to Winchester Park, determined that the duke will hear a firsthand account of the irregularities at Barchester Hall and put a stop to them.

    Max is bewitched by Sara’s beauty and fierce determination to protect the children. Satisfied that she is the abandoned child he has been asked to find, Max fears for her safety when it becomes apparent that someone with influence wants Sara silenced – permanently. Who is she? Who is abducting orphans from the foundling home? And can Max and Sara, two people with such diverse backgrounds, possibly find happiness in one another’s arms?

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  • Christmas with the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 2

    Christmas with the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 2

    Zach Sheridan, Duke of Winchester, is looking forward to celebrating Christmas with his new duchess, surrounded by his large family—a family that includes Sean Trafford, Lord Vincent Sheridan’s brother-in-law and the father of nine-year-old twin boys.

    When Sean chances upon a beautiful stranger on Vince’s land helping herself to discarded offcuts of timber, he makes it his business to learn more about her. He quickly realises that Chloe Carmichael is being defrauded out of her murdered father’s fortune by the unscrupulous Cooper, who is determined to claim Chloe for himself and exploit her talent as a carpenter for financial gain. But before Sean and Zach can delve further into Chloe’s affairs, a woman claiming to be Marianne, Sean’s wife who everyone thought had died five years previously, mysteriously reappears and leaves tantalising clues that imply she may not actually have died after all.

    Has Sean’s wife returned from the grave? And if so, why has she appeared at the precise point in Sean’s life when he has finally found a woman to whom he could easily lose his heart? Can Sean and Zach unmask this mysterious stranger, and will they find a way to prove that Chloe is being swindled…

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  • Reunited with the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 1

    Reunited with the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 2 Book 1

    Zachary Sheridan, the Duke of Winchester, hopes to heal the breach between the two branches of his family when he invites his five cousins, recently returned to England after a ten year absence in America, to stay with him and his new duchess at Winchester Park.

    Eleanor Sheridan barely remembers the land of her birth and nervously voices her concerns about her family’s uncertain future to a man whom she mistakes for a groom. The Honourable Matthew Wainwright is actually the gentleman sent to negotiate with her brother Jon regarding the leasing of several steamships. As head of his branch of the family, Jon’s success in this venture is vital if he is to secure his siblings’ future.

    Stricken with remorse when she discovers Matthew’s true identity, Ellie fears he will use her indiscreet confidences to his own advantage. Why then does she feel inexorably drawn towards this glamorous younger brother of an earl?

    When aspects of Ellie’s life in America threaten to destroy them all, Zach sees a way to resolve matters and lay to rest the dispute that has divided the family since his father’s day. However, he can only achieve this goal with Matthew’s help. Can Matthew put aside former loyalties to aid the duke’s quest, even though he will never be in a position to seek the hand of the lady who has stolen his heart…

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  • Box Set Ducal Encounters Series-1

    Box Set Ducal Encounters Series 1

    Updated October 2020

    At the Duke’s Discretion

    Crista flees to her uncle’s village close to Winchester, pursued by the villains who murdered her father.

    Lord Amos Sheridan is astounded when Crista becomes implicated in treasonous acts. With the backing of his brother, the Duke of Winchester, Amos and Crista launch a daring scheme to expose the identities of those prepared to betray their country for personal gain.

    Dangerously close to falling in love with Amos, Crista reminds herself that he is a duke’s heir and she a nobody with a criminal past…

    With the Duke’s Approval

    Lady Annalise Sheridan, sister to the Duke of Winchester, is determined to make an impression upon Clarence Vaughan, the Earl of Romsey, but is instead abducted from a society ball.

    Annalise outwits her captors, leaving Clarence and her brothers to retaliate while she redoubles her efforts to make Clarence fall in love with her, unwittingly causing more problems for her intended that put his life at risk.

    Can two such diametrically opposed characters ever find happiness together…

    Portrait of a Duke

    Lord Vincent Sheridan, the Duke of Winchester’s brother, rescues eight-year-old twins from a brawl and returns them to their aunt, Niamh Trafford, whose grandfather, the famous Irish portraitist, has taken a tumbledown estate close to the duke’s country seat.

    Drawn into the Sheridan’s elite circle, Nia admits to Vince that someone is faking Trafford portraits, exploiting her grandfather’s diminished mental state for their own gain.

    Vince and Nia use Trafford’s portrait of the duke as bait to uncover the identity of the forger. In so doing, Nia and the twins fall foul of a ruthless individual who will stop at nothing to exact revenge against the Trafford family. Vince is equally determined to save the woman he has fallen deeply in love with. Will he be in time…

    For the Duke’s Pleasure

    Civil unrest in the north of England spreads gradually south. The Duke of Winchester enlists the help of Adam Pengelly to discover the identity of the agitators’ ringleaders.

    Lady Portia, the duke’s younger sister, is enthralled by Adam’s falcons and attracted to the man himself. When she overhears him agree to a clandestine meeting on a secluded part of the estate she follows him; with catastrophic results she could not have foreseen.

    Adam is perilously close to developing feelings for a lady who is out of his class. Besides, his heart already belongs to another…

    In the Duke’s Estimation

    Lady Katrina Heston has spent her life living abroad. Permitted to travel to London for part of the season beneath Lady Frankie St. John’s chaperonage, she’s determined to enjoy herself before marrying the man her father has chosen for her.

    Lord Nathaniel Sheridan, the Duke of Winchester’s youngest brother, is enchanted by Katrina’s lively personality and horrified to learn that her father has promised her to a dullard like Brown. Convinced that Brown has manipulated Heston, Nate delves deeper into that gentleman’s affairs, with shocking results.

    Can Nate save Katrina from a highly unsuitable marriage without creating a scandal or threatening the life of the lady he’s come to adore…

    Captivating the Duke

    Zachary Sheridan, the Duke of Winchester, discovers that his father’s life was saved from a youthful misadventure by his friend Euston. In gratitude, Winchester signed a document promising his heir in marriage to Euston’s daughter. Both men are dead, but Euston’s widow is determined that Zach will honour the agreement.
    Zach doubts the validity of the document but cannot chance dishonouring his family by challenging the claim and risking a breach of promise case.
    Frankie St John, Zach’s alluring neighbour, is being blackmailed by her brother-in-law. He possesses a document which would ruin her if its contents were to be made public.

    Can Zach and Frankie find a way through this web of intrigue, save the Sheridan family name and find the happiness they so richly deserve …

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  • Captivating the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 1 Book 6

    Captivating the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 1 Book 6

    Revised and reedited October 2020

    Zachary Sheridan, the eligible and charismatic Duke of Winchester, is faced with a dilemma. In a youthful misadventure his father’s life was saved by his friend Euston. As a token of his gratitude Winchester signed a document promising his firstborn son in marriage to Euston’s daughter. Both men are now dead, but Euston’s widow is intent on having Zach honour the agreement to marry her daughter Fiona.

    Whether or not the document she possesses is genuine, Zach cannot chance bringing dishonour on his family by challenging the claim and risking a breach of promise case.

    Meanwhile, Frankie St John, Zach’s alluring widowed neighbour, is being blackmailed by her brother-in-law. He possesses a document which, if made public, would reveal a devastating secret that would see her ostracized from society. Worse, she would lose the respect of Zach, the man she secretly adores.

    Can Zach and Frankie find a way through this web of intrigue, save the Sheridan family name and find the happiness together they so richly deserve …

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  • In the Duke's Estimation Ducal Encounters Series 1 Book 5

    In the Duke’s Estimation: Ducal Encounters Series 1 Book 5

    Revised and reedited October 2020

    Lady Katrina Heston has spent all her life living abroad with her diplomat father. When she is permitted to travel to London to enjoy part of the season beneath Lady Frankie St. John’s chaperonage, she’s determined to make the most of every minute before settling down to marry the man her father has chosen to be her husband.

    Lord Nathaniel Sheridan, the Duke of Winchester’s youngest brother, is enchanted by Katrina’s lively personality and enters into an agreement with Lady St. John to ensure she has as much pleasure as possible whilst in the ton. He is horrified to learn that her father has agreed to throw his only child into the arms of a dullard like Brown. Convinced the scoundrel is somehow manipulating the diplomat into agreeing to the union, Nate delves deeper into Lord Heston’s affairs, with shocking results.

    Can Nate save Katrina from a highly unsuitable marriage without creating a scandal that will ruin her reputation and perhaps even threaten the life of the lady he has come to adore…

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  • For the Duke's Pleasure Ducal Encounters Series 1 Book 4

    For the Duke’s Pleasure: Ducal Encounters Series 1 Book 4

    This edition revised and reedited October 2020

    In the spring of 1819 civil unrest in the north of England spreads gradually south. The Duke of Winchester introduces Adam Pengelly, a falconer, to his estate to help discover the identity of the agitators and keep his family safe.

    Lady Portia, the duke’s younger sister, is enthralled by Adam’s falcons, but even more attracted to the man himself. Used to moving about the estate unnoticed, Portia gradually discovers more about Adam’s mysterious past. When she overhears him agree to a clandestine meeting late at night on a secluded part of the estate, concern for his welfare causes her to follow him; with catastrophic results she could not have foreseen.

    Adam, deeply moved by Portia’s courage, is perilously close to developing feelings for a lady who is out of his class. But his heart already belongs to another…

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  • Portrait of a Duke Ducal Encounters Series 1 Book 3

    Portrait of a Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 1 Book 3

    Revised and reedited October 2020

    Rumours abound that Patrick Trafford, the famous Irish portrait artist, is the recluse who has taken Parkstone Manor, the rundown estate bordering the Duke of Winchester’s country seat. Lord Vincent Sheridan, the duke’s brother, is able to satisfy his family’s curiosity in that regard when he rescues eight-year-old twins from a brawl in Compton village. Far from being grateful for the twins’ safe delivery, Niamh Trafford, Patrick’s granddaughter and the boys’ aunt, all but evicts Vince from her tumbledown home.

    Nia despairs. Now that Lord Vincent knows who they are, her grandfather will never be left in peace. His diminished mental capabilities will become public knowledge, ruining his reputation and making him a laughing stock. Drawn into the Sheridan’s elite social circle, Nia struggles to hide her growing attraction towards Lord Vincent. In urgent need of a confidante, she admits to him that someone is faking Trafford portraits, exploiting her grandfather’s muddled state of mind for their own gain.

    Patrick Trafford regains some of his former awareness when he is persuaded to undertake a portrait of the duke. Vince and Nia launch an ambitious plan to use the finished canvas as bait to uncover the identity of the forger. In so doing, Nia and the twins fall foul of a ruthless individual who will stop at nothing to exact revenge against the Trafford family, and secure his own future into the bargain.

    But he has reckoned without Vince, who is equally determined to save the woman he has fallen deeply in love with. Will he be in time…

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  • With the Duke’s Approval: Ducal Encounters Series 1 Book 2

    Revised and reedited October 2020

    Lady Annalise Sheridan, sister to the Duke of Winchester, embarks upon her second season determined to attract Clarence Vaughan, the Earl of Romsey. But her efforts are interrupted when she is abducted from a society ball.

    Annalise outwits her captors, leaving Clarence and her brothers to establish the reasons behind her abduction while she redoubles her efforts to make Clarence fall in love with her. Easier said than done. He is a slave to duty and doesn’t have the remotest idea how to relax. Anna sets about trying to change that situation, unwittingly causing more problems than she actually resolves.
    Can two such diametrically opposed characters ever find happiness together…

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