Showing 1–12 of 44 results

  • A Duke in Waiting - Dangerous Dukes

    A Duke in Waiting: Dangerous Dukes Vol 13

    The Duke of Elton and his closest neighbour have not spoken for forty years. When Cameron Dorchester, the duke’s heir, encounters their neighbour’s niece, the two join forces in an effort to get to the bottom of the feud.

    But there are those who would prefer for the two families to remain at war. How far will they go to prevent a reconciliation? What part did a disputed cove play in the creation of the feud? Why is Isolda’s mother so determined to see her daughter married to her uncle’s steward?

    So many secrets buried for far too long. Can Cam and Isolda discover the truth before the old duke and his nemesis take those secrets to the grave?

    Crucially, how can Cam temper his feelings for Isolda when he’s being pressured by a resentful father to perpetrate a feud that has no meaning for him …

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  • To Challenge a Duke

    To Challenge a Duke: Dangerous Dukes Vol 12

    Portia Heston is engaged by Lady Selby to prepare her daughter Emily for presentation. She is delighted when she is included in an invitation issued by the Dowager Duchess of Hamilton to spend the summer at Hamilton Hall. Lady Selby intends to promote a marriage between Emily and Elijah, the highly eligible duke.

    Portia has a very different purpose in mind. Her half-brother Jeramiah is missing, last seen in the vicinity of the duke’s estate attempting to break up a criminal enterprise. Portia is determined to rescue the only relative she cares about from his own impetuosity.

    When Elijah catches Portia eavesdropping on a conversation with one of his tenants his curiosity is aroused regarding this most unusual and opinionated paid companion. Together they delve into a murky world of dishonest financial gain possibly intended to fund a political uprising.

    Can Elijah prevent the rebellion that will destroy his family’s name and chip away at the foundation of society? More to the point, can he keep Portia out of harm’s way? Will Portia find Jeramiah alive and what is she supposed to do about her growing admiration for the duke …

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  • A Duke for All Seasons Dangerous Dukes Vol 11

    A Duke for All Seasons: Dangerous Dukes Vol 11

    In fear for her life, Gracie Afton flees a brutal marriage, only to have her carriage break down in the middle of a summer storm. At the mercy of renegades, Gracie is rescued and taken to the safety of an isolated cottage on his estate by Hal Fairfax, the eligible Duke of Swyre.

    Hal has been tasked by the government to delve into activities potentially damaging to British interests that revolve around Afton. Hal has never forgotten dancing with the then Gracie Selhurst during her season two years previously and being mildly disappointed when she chose to marry Afton. He is violently opposed to Gracie’s plan to start a fresh life in America, away from Afton’s reach, but what alternative is available to her? Afton has both the law and society’s sympathy on his side.

    Will Afton run Gracie to ground before Hal can act? Has Afton broken the law or will Gracie be forced to return to her marital home? Will Hal be able to overcome his growing attraction to Gracie, the lady who is married to his nemesis? More to the point, will Hal be in time to rescue Gracie when she recklessly takes matters into her own hands and delves into Afton’s nefarious activities on her own, risking her life and freedom in a desperate attempt to save his…

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  • Loyal to the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 4 Vol 5

    Loyal to the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 5

    When Noah Coleridge accepts the position of lord lieutenant, a figure of authority responsible for law and order in Basingstoke and beyond, he is unprepared for the level of unrest that exists in the region. Unsure whom to trust, he turns to Zachary Sheridan, the Duke of Winchester, for advice.

    Zach is celebrating the birth of his fifth child and looking forward to spending time with his extended family over the Easter period. Aware of the rumblings of discontent in Basingstoke that could easily spill over into Winchester, he helps Noah to negotiate the tangle of dissatisfaction left behind by the disgraced Lord Basingstoke.

    Farrah Leighton, a friend of Lady Katrina Sheridan, is invited to spend Easter at Winchester Park. Still smarting after being jilted by the man she’d intended to marry, she has little time for affairs of the heart and no interest in matrimony. She admires the suave and sophisticated Noah Coleridge but will never trust any gentleman’s assurances ever again.

    When Farrah’s former intended appears unexpectedly in Winchester, Farrah is dragged into Noah’s problems, with devastating consequences. Noah, torn between duty and his growing interest in Farrah, finds himself the victim of a cruel deception. Caught up in a deadly trap, he must find a way to escape if he is to have any chance of saving Farrah from a forced abduction and restore order to the district…

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  • Beyond the Duke’s Domain: Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 4

    Within the safe environment of the Duke of Winchester’s opulent estate, Ariana is finally reunited with her brother Raphael, a situation that Amos, the duke’s brother, worked relentlessly to bring about.

    Ariana and Raph barely have time to become reacquainted before learning that the man responsible for forcibly bringing Ariana and her sister to England is still plying his trade. Amos and Raph agree that he must be stopped, but without exposing Ariana to danger.

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  • On the Duke's Authority Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 3

    On the Duke’s Authority: Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 3

    Zac, the Duke of Winchester, and his brothers rescue Lady Leona Marlowe from the unwelcome attentions of the man pursuing her and take her to the safety of Winchester Park. Frankie, Zac’s duchess, knew Leona years previously but the young girl she recalls is now an attractive widow being persecuted by her late-husband’s relations.

    Doran Conroy accepts Lord Vincent’s invitation to visit Winchester in the hope of interesting Zac in his Irish timber trade. A trade that is being hampered by a legal battle over boundaries. When Doran encounters Leona, already installed at the Park, and discovers that she is the owner of the disputed right of way, his suspicions rage full-scale warfare with his instinctive attraction towards the beguiling widow. Stranded at the Park in the grips of a bitter winter, Doran can’t decide if Leona is ambitiously vindictive or herself a victim of fraud.

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  • Masquerading with the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 2

    Masquerading with the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 2

    Summer 1826

    Tired of having his loyalties constantly questioned as a consequence of his father’s nefarious activities during the war with Napoleon, Jared Braden resigns from the diplomatic service and returns to England during one of the longest heatwaves in living memory. He purchases a rundown estate close to the home of Redrow, the cunning individual he suspects of being the real traitor working against British interests.

    Martina Sanchez-Gomez, one of two Spanish refugees rescued from an uncertain future by Lord Amos Sheridan, leaves her position in the Redrow household without explanation. She joins her sister at Winchester Park, the opulent home of Zachary Sheridan, the Duke of Winchester, where she is thrown together with Jared in a most unexpected manner. Martina feels an immediate connection to the duke’s handsome new neighbour. When she discovers that they both have reasons to dislike Redrow, Martina explains to Jared why she left the man’s employ.

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  • As the Duke's Agent: Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 1

    As the Duke’s Agent: Ducal Encounters Series 4 Book 1

    Still bearing the scars of a brutal yet mercifully short marriage, Laura Hedley, left independently wealthy, accepts an invitation from her friend Frankie, the Duchess of Winchester, to stay at Winchester Park while she considers settling in the district. But trouble follows close on her heels in the form of her disgruntled stepson who thinks that Laura has stolen his rightful inheritance.

    Lord Simeon Pallister is convinced that his brother Albert’s murder was arranged by the adulterous wife whom Albert was threatening to divorce. Simeon seeks the duke’s help to track down the perpetrators. Lord Amos, the duke’s brother, sees an opportunity to exorcise his personal demons by helping Simeon to find justice, unaware that it will involve taking partial responsibility for Laura’s problems too.

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  • Protecting the Duke's Interests Ducal Encounters Series 3 Book 6

    Protecting the Duke’s Interests: Ducal Encounters Series 3 Book 6

    With her brother away on his wedding journey, Ruby Bancroft comes to stay at Winchester Park as a guest of the duke and duchess, where sparks fly as she renews her friendship with Harry Darwin.

    Meanwhile there are forces at work against the duke, seeking to right perceived wrongs. An
    unscrupulous person looks to exploit Ruby in her brother’s absence with a plot that will bankrupt Harry and destroy the duke’s reputation forever. He sets about entangling her and Harry in a web of intrigue involving gambling dens and orphaned girls smuggled into Winchester from various
    European countries for disreputable purposes. But the mysterious figure who controls matters
    reckon without the ingenuity of two of his captives. Will those captives be able to escape a fate
    worse than death, and will the timely reappearance of a beloved family member be enough to save
    the day…

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  • Supporting the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 3 Book 5

    Supporting the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 3 Book 5

    After the death of his father, Elijah Bancroft returns from India to take up residence at Highclere, situated on the boundary with Winchester Park, the home of Zachary Sheridan, Duke of Winchester. Bancroft brings with him his younger sister—and a family secret big enough to trouble the government of the day. He seeks the duke’s help to establish himself and right some old wrongs.

    Meanwhile agitators stir up unrest in the district. Joseph Phelton, an idealist and poet suffering from an unrequited love for the duchess’s niece Jessica, drunkenly accepts a commission that could destroy Zach’s happiness in a single cruel blow. Elijah’s eyes are drawn to Jessica too, and he vows to protect her as he struggles to clear his family name and restore his reputation.

    Is Elijah stretching himself to thin? And can the duke and his brothers prevent a plot that could strike at the heart of the Sheridan family…

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  • By Order of the Duke Ducal Encounters Series 3 Book 4

    By Order of the Duke: Ducal Encounters Series 3 Book 4

    When Georgia Hadleigh falls from her horse in a blizzard she is rescued by Ezra Rutherford, a neighbour who has just returned from Jamaica to take charge of his late father’s English estate. The Hadleighs and the Rutherfords have been embroiled in a bitter feud which has lasted for so long that nobody can recall the reason for it. In an act of spite and retaliation, Georgia’s father has cut off the vital water supply that leads to the Rutherford estate.

    Aware of a mutual attraction, Georgia and Ezra are determined to put an end to the unpleasantness. Meanwhile Zachary Sheridan, the Duke of Winchester, has asked Ezra to help with a problem that is vital to the well-being of the nation—a problem that appears to involve Georgia’s father.

    With Georgia all but promised in marriage, and with the search for a fugitive from justice centring on one of Hadleigh’s remote cottages, can Georgia and Ezra end the feud, restore Ezra’s water supply and chase the fugitive to ground? And while they’re doing all this, will they give in to the all-consuming passion that has grown between them—a passion that defies their combined attempts to ignore it…

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  • Impugning the Duke's Honour Ducal Encounters Series 3 Book 3

    Impugning the Duke’s Honour: Ducal Encounters Series 3 Book 3

    Odilia Sutherland is delighted to receive an invitation to visit the Duke and Duchess of Winchester at their magnificent country estate. Meanwhile, the duke has arranged for Irish artist Carrick Brennan to stay with the family while he paints a portrait of the duchess and her children.

    When Odilia and Carrick meet, the chemistry is immediate and obvious. But he is the son of an Irish pig farmer and she is a member of the aristocracy who is all but promised in marriage to the odious Earl of Basingstoke, an old enemy of the duke’s family. It seems that Basingstoke will stop at nothing to win Odilia’s hand, and he is also working on a devious plan to dishonour the duke by impugning his reputation and destroying his standing in the local community.

    With strong forces ranged against them, can the duke’s family resist the cunning Basingstoke, or will they be forced to face a humiliating future as he snatches the reins of power from the duke and ruins Odilia’s life forever…

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