In fear for her life, Gracie Afton flees a brutal marriage, only to have her carriage break down in the middle of a summer storm. At the mercy of renegades, Gracie is rescued and taken to the safety of an isolated cottage on his estate by Hal Fairfax, the eligible Duke of Swyre.
Hal has been tasked by the government to delve into activities potentially damaging to British interests that revolve around Afton. Hal has never forgotten dancing with the then Gracie Selhurst during her season two years previously and being mildly disappointed when she chose to marry Afton. He is violently opposed to Gracie’s plan to start a fresh life in America, away from Afton’s reach, but what alternative is available to her? Afton has both the law and society’s sympathy on his side.
Will Afton run Gracie to ground before Hal can act? Has Afton broken the law or will Gracie be forced to return to her marital home? Will Hal be able to overcome his growing attraction to Gracie, the lady who is married to his nemesis? More to the point, will Hal be in time to rescue Gracie when she recklessly takes matters into her own hands and delves into Afton’s nefarious activities on her own, risking her life and freedom in a desperate attempt to save his…
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